Cy3 Rabbit anti-Human, Mouse, Rat Selenium Binding Protein 1 Antibody, Cy3 Conjugated [IgG]

Výrobce: Bioss Katalogové č.: bs-4200R-Cy3 Aplikace: Imunofluorescence Reaktivita: Human, Mouse, Rat Původ: Rabbit Klonalita: Polyclonal Konjugát: Cy3 Laser: 561 nm (žlutý) Podtřída: IgG Status: RUO Dodatečné informace: Produkt na webu výrobce Popis:

SBP; SBP1; Selenbp2; Selenium binding protein 2; Selenium binding protein1; SELNBP1; SP56; 56 kDa selenium binding protein.

Selenium is an essential trace element that confers tolerance to toxicity arising through exposure to heavy metals or other reactive xenobiotics. Selenium exhibits potent anticarcinogenic properties, and deficiency of selenium may cause certain neurologic diseases. Both effects are attributed to selenium-binding proteins. Selenium binding protein 1 is down-regulated in lung adenocarcinoma, colorectal cander and ovarian cancer. It is two-fold upregulated in the brains of patients suffering from schizophrenia, and is therefore a biomarker for this disease.

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