Unconjugated Rabbit anti-Human, Mouse, Rat Phospho-PAK1(S144)+PAK2(S141)+PAK3(S139) Monoclonal Antibody [IgG]

Výrobce: Bioss Katalogové č.: bsm-54514R Aplikace: Imunofluorescence, Imunoprecipitace, imunoaglutinace, Průtoková cytometrie, Western Blot Reaktivita: Human, Mouse, Rat Původ: Rabbit Klonalita: Monoclonal Podtřída: IgG Status: RUO Dodatečné informace: Produkt na webu výrobce Popis:


PAK proteins are critical effectors that link Rho GTPases to cytoskeleton reorganization and nuclear signaling. PAK proteins, a family of serine/threonine p21-activating kinases, serve as targets for the small GTP binding proteins Cdc42 and RAC and have been implicated in a wide range of biological activities. The protein encoded by this gene forms an activated complex with GTP-bound RAS-like (P21), CDC2 and RAC1 proteins which then catalyzes a variety of targets. This protein may be necessary for dendritic development and for the rapid cytoskeletal reorganization in dendritic spines associated with synaptic plasticity. Defects in this gene are the cause of non-syndromic mental retardation X-linked type 30 (MRX30), also called X-linked mental retardation type 47 (MRX47). Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been identified. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

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